
Astra Chamber Music Society is financially supported by:

The Victorian Government through Creative Victoria.

William Angliss Charitable Trust

Diana Gibson

Robert Salzer Foundation

Ian Potter Foundation

City of Melbourne’s Meat Market tenancy program

and other generous individuals who believe in the work of Astra

Website Funding

Estate of the late Dr Noela Hogg

Ian Potter Foundation

Staff and Committee of Management

Astra staff

John McCaughey and Dr Andrew Byrne, Musical Directors

Fergus Inder, Administrator

Kim Bastin, Accompanist

Astra Committee

Dr Marguerite Boland, President

John Terrell, Vice-President

Adam Wong, Treasurer

Fergus Inder, Secretary

Jean Evans, Choir  Representative

Peter Dumsday, Ordinary Member

Ann Tregear, Ordinary Member

Victoria Bilogan, Ordinary Member


Annual Reports