Bonus Concert Announcement!
Bonus Concert Announcement!
In celebration of the 150th Birthdays of Arnold Schoenberg and Charles Ives, Astra is presenting a bonus concert on Friday the 13th of September. Come watch a brief hour of musical parrying between two giants of the last century.
Julius Notes; memories of a friendship
Julius Notes; memories of a friendship
Friend of Astra Warren Burt's reflects on his years of friendship and music making with composer Julius Eastman in a personal essay written ahead of our upcoming Australian premiere Julius Eastman: Gay Guerrilla.
Staff changes at Astra
Farewells and welcomes: introducing the new Astra team.
Astra's 2024 Season
Astra unveils eight concerts in 2024.
Sound in Space: Astra and Architecture
Sound in Space: Astra and Architecture
Music always interacts with the architecture in which it is heard ... Sound in Space documents with images and recordings how musical and architectural designs have formed an interactive partnership over three decades of Astra events.
Quarter-Hour Concerts
Short aural-video programs for online listening and viewing, assembled from the Astra Concerts archive from the 1950s to the present, and introducing new studio works from composers in the period of COVID-19.